July 17, 2023 /SemiMedia/ -- According to reports, the total capital expenditure (CapEx) of global semiconductor manufacturers in 2023 is expected to drop by 14% from 2022 to $156 billion.

The report pointed out that the largest decline in capital expenditure is the storage semiconductor manufacturer. Samsung Electronics, which ranks first among the world's three major manufacturers, will basically maintain the same investment in 2023 as last year, while the other two major manufacturers will shrink sharply.

In terms of pure wafer foundries, TSMC's CapEx is expected to decrease by 11% year-on-year to $43.6 billion, SMIC is flat compared to last year, GF is down 27% year-on-year, and UMC is down 2% year-on-year.

In terms of IDM, Intel CapEx decreased by 19% year-on-year, Texas Instruments increased by 43% year-on-year, STMicroelectronics increased by 14% year-on-year, and Infineon Technologies will increase by 34% year-on-year.

The report also notes that Samsung, TSMC and Intel will account for approximately 60% of total semiconductor capital investment in 2023, despite the reduction in total capital expenditures.