July 12, 2023 /SemiMedia/ -- According to the latest report from IDC, global personal computer shipments in the second quarter fell by 13.4% year-on-year, the sixth consecutive quarter of decline, highlighting weak demand.

IDC said weaker demand had kept inventories above normal for longer than expected. Except for Apple and HP, all major PC brands experienced double-digit declines in the second quarter.

Apple's PC shipments in the second quarter rose 10.3% year-on-year to 5.3 million units. However, HP has faced the problem of too much inventory in the past year, and now the inventory is close to the normal level. In the second quarter, PC shipments fell by 0.8% year-on-year to 13.4 million units.

Lenovo's PC shipments in the second quarter dropped sharply by 18.4% to 14.2 million units, Dell's shipments fell 22% year-on-year to 10.3 million units, and Acer's shipments fell 19.2% year-on-year to 4 million units.

IDC said high inventories of parts were again weighing on the market, and while these problems have gradually slowed down, many parts suppliers have continued to lower prices in an attempt to sell inventories.

The supply and demand fluctuations faced by the PC industry over the past five years have been extremely challenging. Businesses don't expect to run into supply shortages like they did in 2020 and 2021, but many appear reluctant to make big bets when the market picks up, IDC added.