December 25, 2023 /SemiMedia/ -- According to the latest report from International Business Strategies, compared with the 3nm process, the chip manufacturing cost of the 2nm process will increase by 50%, with the cost of each 2nm wafer being US$30,000.

International Business Strategies estimates that the cost of a 2nm wafer fab with a monthly production capacity of 50,000 wafers is approximately US$28 billion, while the cost of building a 3nm wafer fab with the same capacity is estimated at US$20 billion.

The main reason for the increased cost of wafer fabs is the increase in the number of EUV lithography tools, which has significantly increased the cost of each wafer and each chip.

According to the roadmap currently announced by TSMC, it plans to introduce the N2 process between 2025 and 2026. For a 300mm 2nm wafer, Apple needs to pay about US$30,000, while the cost of an N3 process wafer is estimated to be US$20,000.

International Business Strategies estimates that the cost of Apple's 3nm chips will be US$50, and the cost of 2nm Apple chips will increase to US$85.