According to the latest report from IC Insights, IC output in mainland China accounted for 16.7% of its $186.5 billion market in 2021, up from 12.7% in 2011 a decade earlier. Furthermore, IC Insights predicts that this share will increase by 4.5% to 21.2% in 2026 from 2021.

IC Insights: China-based IC production to represent 21.2% of mainland China IC market in 2026-SemiMedia

IC Insights noted that of the $31.2 billion worth of integrated circuits manufactured in mainland China last year, mainland China-based companies produced $12.3 billion (39.4%), accounting for only 6.6% of its domestic market of $186.5 billion. TSMC, SK Hynix, Samsung, Intel, UMC and other foreign companies with fabs in mainland China produced the rest.

IC Insights: China-based IC production to represent 21.2% of mainland China IC market in 2026-SemiMedia

The report pointed out that about $2.7 billion of chips produced by local companies in mainland China came from IDM, and 9.6 billion US dollars came from pure foundries such as SMIC.

IC Insights also predicts that the domestic semiconductor manufacturing industry in mainland China will grow to $58.2 billion in 2026, but will still only account for 8.1% of the total global IC market of $717.7 billion in 2026.